Planting performance and cultivation techniques of rice cv. Fulongliangyou 29
摘要: 2014年、2015年引进两系杂交稻新品种福龙两优29在闽清县作晚稻试种,表现高产、稳产、米质优、抗逆性较强、适应性广、综合性状优良等特征特性,总结福龙两优29在闽清县高产栽培技术要点。Abstract: A two-line hybrid rice cv. Fulongliangyou 29 was introduced into Minqing County as late rice for trial in 2014 and 2015, showing high and stable yield, high quality, high adverse-resistance, wide adaptability and good comprehensive characteristics. This paper summarized its key points of cultivation techniques in Minqing County.