
    Semi-mechanized cultivation techniques of Yam

    • 摘要: 使用淮山开沟整畦一体机种植淮山,可一次性解决开沟、碎土、覆土、整畦等操作,大大降低人工成本,提高效益。该文从品种选择、种植管理、病虫防治及采收等方面总结淮山半机械化栽培技术。


      Abstract: The use of integrated machine to dig ditches and make up flat farmland to plant yam, could complete the operations in one-time for ditching, shredding soil, covering and making up flat farmland, thus significantly reduced labor costs and improve efficiency. This paper summarized semi-mechanized cultivation techniques of yam by using integrated machine to dig ditches and make up flat farmland and combined with agronomic practices of species selection, planting management, pest control and harvesting.


