A contrast experiment of large blocks on the fertilizer efficiency between soil testing and formula fertilization and traditional fertilization was carried out in paddy field of direct seeding rice. The results showed that: in the treatment of soil testing and formula fertilization with the dosage of N7.84 kg/667 m
2(117.6 kg/hm
2), P
5 2.00 kg/667 m
2 (30.00 kg/hm
2) and K
2O 4.50 kg/667 m
2 (67.5 kg/hm
2) in direct seeding rice field, the rice plants have better main characteristics performance, and the yield increased by 9.5% than that of traditional fertilization, and the fertilization cost decreased by 28.4 RMByuan/667 m
2(426 RMByuan/hm
2), and showed the obvious increase both in production and income.