
    A brief comparison experiment of new combinations of medium rice

    • 摘要: 于2015年引进15个杂交中稻新组合在闽清县中稻区的省璜镇下坂、玉水2个村进行新组合简比试验,结果表明:浙优18、春优84、安优18、福两优366、恒丰优387、广8优673、荟丰优3301等7个组合比对照品种宜优673增产,增幅3.59%~7.70%。


      Abstract: In 2015, a brief comparison experiment on 15 new introduced combinations of hybrid medium rice were carried out at medium rice-producing area of Xiaban and Yushui villages, Shenghuang Town in Mingqing County. The results showed that compared to the control cultivar "Yiyou 673", the yield of 7 combination of "Zheyou 18", "Chunyou 84", "Anyou 18", "Fuliangyou 366", and "Hengfeng you 387", "Guang8 you 673" and "Huifengyou 3301" increased by 3.59% to 7.70%.


