Opinion to protection and utilization of ancient tea tree in Yunxiao County
摘要: 云霄县古茶树是不可多得的茶树资源宝库,对其实施保护与利用,将对茶树育种工作的开展、推进茶树品种优质化和良种化具有重要的意义。该文对云霄县古茶树提出具体的保护措施和利用方案,并对部分古茶树进行特征特性介绍。Abstract: Ancient tea trees in Yunxiao County are rare and valuable, to protect and utilize these resources possess an important significance for the tea breeding and quality improvement of tea varieties. In this article, concrete protection and utilization measures for ancient tea trees in Yunxiao were proposed, and the characteristics for part of them were introduced.