High yield cultivation techniques of high quality late rice cv. ‘Fuliangyou366’
摘要: 福两优366作双季晚稻在福建省泉州市洛江区种植,表现群体整齐、株型适中、穗大粒多、后期转色好、高产、优质、分蘖力强、抗倒伏、适应性广等优点,总结该品种的高产栽培技术。Abstract: Rice cv. ‘Fuliangyou366’ was planted in Luojiang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province as double-cropping late Rice. It showed regular population, moderate plant type, large ear with many grains, good coloring in the late growth period, high yield, high quality, high tillering capacity, lodging resistance and wide adaptability. The paper summarized its high yield cultivation techniques.