High Yield Cultivation Techniques of Overwintering Asparagus Lettuce By Film Mulching in Fuzhou City
摘要: 越冬莴笋地膜覆盖技术可显著提高定苗成活率,实现莴笋增产、促进农民增收。总结福州地区越冬莴笋地膜覆盖高产栽培技术,包括品种选择、育苗、选地整地、定植、田间管理及适时采收等内容。Abstract: Film mulching techniques of overwintering asparagus lettuce could improve the survival rate of fixed seedlings remarkably and realize the purpose of increasing yield and improving farmers’ income. This paper summarized high yield cultivation techniques of overwintering asparagus lettuce in Fuzhou City by film mulching, including variety selection, raising seedlings, field selection and preparation, transplanting, field management and harvest in time.