High Yield Cultivation Techniques of Chayote in High Altitude Mountainous Areas in Minqing County
摘要: 闽清县利用自然资源优势,大面积推广佛手瓜种植,取得较好的经济效益。从品种选择、培育壮苗、大田准备、适期移植、加强田管和适时采收等方面,介绍闽清县高海拔山区佛手瓜高产栽培技术。Abstract: Minqing County has advantageous nature resources, where chayote is extended at a large scale and shows good economic benefits. This paper introduced high yield cultivation techniques of chayote at high altitude mountainous areas in Minqing County including variety selection, strong seedling raising, field preparation, transplanting in suitable time, field management and harvest in time.