
    Thinking on Development of Libraries of Provincial Academies of Agricultural Sciences with the Case of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    • 摘要: 省级农科院图书馆是农业学科文献资源的宝库,承担着为不同农业学科领域提供信息支撑的重任。以福建省农科院图书馆为例,回顾其发展历程,分析其成效及制约因素,在此基础上提出省级农科院发展创新的一些思路。


      Abstract: Libraries of provincial academies of agricultural sciences are treasuries storing literature resources of agricultural sciences and undertake important responsibilities to provide information for various fields of agricultural sciences. The paper reviewed development history of the library of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and analyzed its achievements and constraint factors. Based on the above review and analysis, we proposed some suggestions for development and innovation of provincial academies of agricultural sciences.


