High Quality and High Yield Cultivation Techniques of Potato in Paddy Field
摘要: 水稻田冬种一季马铃薯可优化农田生态环境,提高土地利用率,实现增产增收。从稻田整畦、品种选择、播前准备、播种、田间管理、病虫害防治及采收等环节总结了稻田马铃薯优质高产栽培技术。Abstract: To plant one crop of winter potato in paddy field could optimize the ecological environment of the farmland, increase the land utilization ratio and increase yield and income. The paper summarized high quality and high yield cultivation techniques of potato in paddy field from some aspects including ridge preparation in paddy field, varieties selection, preparation before sowing, sowing, field management, control of diseases and pests and harvest.