
    Year-round Cultivation Techniques of Pleurotus Geesteranus in Zhangzhou Area

    • 摘要: 漳州市秀珍菇发展较快,栽培规模呈逐年扩大趋势。近年来,当地大力推广秀珍菇周年栽培模式,但菇农对秀珍菇周年栽培技术掌握不够,导致产量和质量均不高。根据秀珍菇对温度、湿度、空气、光照等环境条件的要求,从品种选择、培养料配方、装袋与发菌、出菇管理、采收及转潮管理等方面内容,总结一套适合漳州地区气候特点的周年栽培技术。


      Abstract: The development of pleurotus geesteranus in Zhangzhou is faster, and the cultivation scale is expanding year by year. In recent years, the year-round cultivation mode has been vigorously promoted, however the mushroom growers have not mastered the year-round cultivation techniques enough, resulting in low yield and quality. Accord-ing to the environmental requirements of pleurotus geesteranus, such as temperature, humidity, air and light, a set of year-round cultivation techniques which suitable for climate characteristics in Zhangzhou were summarized from the aspects of variety selection, formula of substrate, bagging and spawn running, fruiting managing, harvesting and tidal management.


