In order to clarify the situation of turnip mosaic virus carried by
radix pseudostellariae in Zherong County, RT-PCR was used to detect turnip mosaic virus in different plants of
radix pseudostellariae. The results showed that viruses in could be detected in leaves, roots and stems of the same plant with or without disease spots. Viruses
Radix pseudostellariae could be detected in 9 parts of plants with and without viral symptoms, while the content of viruses in middle veins and lower stems of plants without viral symptoms was relatively higher. Viruses in
Radix pseudostellariae could be detected in 10 parts of plants at different altitudes, but the virus content in flower parts was relatively lower. Virus detection on the leaves of fixed plants of
radix pseudostellariae at different growth stages showed that no virus was detected in some plants at the end of growth stage. In addition, all the samples carried turnip mosaic virus.