Techniques of Cutting Propagation and High Yield Cultivation of Taiwan Morus macroura
摘要: 台湾长果桑是由大果桑和其他几种野生长果桑经几次授粉后改良而成的优良品种。从插穗选择、插穗处理、扦插管理3个方面介绍台湾长果桑的扦插繁殖技术,并总结其田间栽培技术包括田块选择、种植密度、田间管理及采收加工等内容。Abstract: Taiwan Morus macroura is an excellent variety improved through several pollination of mulberry and other wild Morus macroura. The cutting propagation techniques of Taiwan Morus macroura were introduced in this paper from the following three aspects including the cutting selection, cutting treatment and cutting management. Then, the field cultivation techniques were summarized including the field selection, planting density, field management, harvesting and processing, etc.