
    Industrialized Cultivation Techniques of White Hypsizygus Marmoreus 19 Series, Bacterial Strain of Hypsizigus Marmoreus

    • 摘要: 福清市引进真姬菇菌株白玉菇19系进行工厂化袋栽生产,实现周年生产,获得较好的经济效益。总结了白玉菇19系工厂化袋栽生产技术要点,主要包括生产设施配备、培养料配制、培养料装袋及灭菌、菌袋接种、菌丝培养、出菇管理、采收及包装处理等内容。


      Abstract: White Hypsizygus Marmoreus 19 Series, the bacterial strain of Hypsizigus marmoreus, was introduced by Fuqing City to carry on the industrialized bag cultivation production, in order to realize the year-round production and obtain the better economic benefit. The main technical points of the industrialized bag cultivation production of White Hypsizygus Marmoreus 19 Series were summarized including the production facilities, compost preparation, compost bagging & sterilization, fungi bags inoculation, mycelium culture, fruiting managing, harvesting and packaging, etc.


