张晓娟,赵通,张广忠,等. 陇中黄土高原区8个花椒品种光合荧光特性比较 [J]. 福建农业科技,2024,55(6):43−48. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.008
    引用本文: 张晓娟,赵通,张广忠,等. 陇中黄土高原区8个花椒品种光合荧光特性比较 [J]. 福建农业科技,2024,55(6):43−48. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.008
    ZHANG Xiao-juan, ZHAO Tong, ZHANG Guang-zhong, XIE Xin-ping, WEI Jia-ying, WU Lei, WANG Fang, LIU Ya-hong, LI Zhi. Comparison of Photosynthetic Fluorescence Characteristics of 8 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Cultivars in the Loess Plateauregion of Central Gansu[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2024, 55(6): 43-48. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.008
    Citation: ZHANG Xiao-juan, ZHAO Tong, ZHANG Guang-zhong, XIE Xin-ping, WEI Jia-ying, WU Lei, WANG Fang, LIU Ya-hong, LI Zhi. Comparison of Photosynthetic Fluorescence Characteristics of 8 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Cultivars in the Loess Plateauregion of Central Gansu[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2024, 55(6): 43-48. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.008


    Comparison of Photosynthetic Fluorescence Characteristics of 8 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Cultivars in the Loess Plateauregion of Central Gansu

    • 摘要: 探明陇中黄土高原8个花椒品种的光合荧光特性,为陇中黄土高原区花椒良种筛选和适应性研究提供参考。以8个花椒品种2年生苗为研究对象,使用光合分析仪测定花椒的净光合速率、气孔导度等光合参数,使用荧光仪测定初始荧光、光化学猝灭系数等叶绿素荧光参数,比较分析了不同花椒品种间的叶片光合特性、叶绿素荧光特性。结果表明:光合特性表现为不同花椒品种的净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)随时间变化呈逐渐下降趋势,秦安大红袍和无刺梅花椒的Gs随时间变化呈逐渐下降趋势,南强1号、枸椒和狮子头呈先升后降趋势,其他品种无明显变化趋势,7月份无刺梅花椒的Pn、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)最高;除黄盖和枸椒CO2浓度(Ci)呈先降后升趋势外,其他花椒品种的胞间CO2浓度(Ci)呈逐渐上升趋势。荧光特性表现为除秦安大红袍和枸椒的 F0随时间变化呈先升后降趋势外,其他品种的初始荧光(F0)随时间变化呈逐渐下降趋势,不同时期秦安大红袍和秦安1号的最大荧光(Fm)显著高于其他品种;各花椒品种的PSⅡ最大原初光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)在整个生长期内并无明显变化,基本维持在0.6~0.8;9月份无刺梅花椒光化学途径转化能量(ψPSⅡ)和电子传递速率(ETR)显著高于其他品种;各花椒品种的光化学猝灭系数(qP)随时间变化呈不同变化趋势,但秦安大红袍在整个生长期无明显变化。


      Abstract: The photosynthetic fluorescence characteristics of 8 Zanthoxylum bungeanum varieties in the Loess Plateau region of central Gansu were explored to provide reference for the excellent cultivar screening and adaptability research of Zanthoxylum bungeanum in the Loess Plateau region of central Gansu. By taking the 2-year-old seedlings of 8 Zanthoxylum bungeanum varieties as the research object, the photosynthetic parameters such as the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductivity of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were measured by using the photosynthetic analyzer, and the chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics such as the initial fluorescence and photochemical quenching coefficient were measured by using the luminoscope. Then, the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of leaves among different Zanthoxylum bungeanum varieties were compared and analyzed. The results showed that: the photosynthetic characteristics were presented as the net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) and transpiration rate ( Tr ) of different Zanthoxylum bungeanum varieties decreased gradually with time. The Gs of Qin’an Dahongpao and Wucimei Zanthoxylum bungeanum decreased gradually with time. Nanqiang No.1, Goujiao and Shizitou showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, while other varieties had no obvious variation tendency. The Pn, stomatal conductivity ( Gs ) and transpiration rate ( Tr ) of Wucimei Zanthoxylum bungeanum were the highest in July. Except that the intercellular CO2 concentration ( Ci ) of Huanggai and Goujiao decreased first and then increased, the intercellular CO2 concentration ( Ci ) of other Zanthoxylum bungeanum varieties showed a gradual rising tendency. The fluorescence characteristics showed that except for the F0 of Qin’an Dahongpao and Goujiao increased first and then decreased with time, the initial fluorescence (F0) of other varieties decreased gradually with time. The maximum fluorescence (Fm) of Qin’an Dahongpao and Qin’an No.1 in different periods was significantly higher than that of other varieties. The maximum primary photochemical quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of PSⅡ in each Zanthoxylum bungeanum variety did not change significantly during the whole growth period, which was basically maintained at 0.6-0.8. In September, the photochemical pathway transformation energy (ψPSⅡ) and electron transporting rate (ETR) of Wucimei Zanthoxylum bungeanum were significantly higher than those of other varieties. The photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) of each Zanthoxylum bungeanum variety showed different trends with time, but there was no significant change in the whole growth period of Qin’an Dahongpao.


