张湛辉,廖美敬,张华璐,等. 番石榴新品种四季红选育 [J]. 福建农业科技,2024,55(6):56−59. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.010
    引用本文: 张湛辉,廖美敬,张华璐,等. 番石榴新品种四季红选育 [J]. 福建农业科技,2024,55(6):56−59. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.010
    ZHANG Zhan-hui, LIAO Mei-jing, ZHANG Hua-lu, HUANG Si-ying, LIANG Zi-wei, CHEN Jun. Breeding of the New Variety of Guava "Sijihong"[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2024, 55(6): 56-59. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.010
    Citation: ZHANG Zhan-hui, LIAO Mei-jing, ZHANG Hua-lu, HUANG Si-ying, LIANG Zi-wei, CHEN Jun. Breeding of the New Variety of Guava "Sijihong"[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2024, 55(6): 56-59. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2024.06.010


    Breeding of the New Variety of Guava "Sijihong"

    • 摘要: 四季红番石榴是从本地四季翠番石榴圈枝繁殖群体中通过优选培育而成,其果实椭圆形,单果重120~180 g;果皮浅粉红色;果肉白色、软熟、嫩滑、多汁;可溶性固形物含量9.8%,总糖含量6.8 g·hg−1,维生素C含量129 mg·hg−1,可滴定酸3.37 g·kg−1。香气浓郁,风味独特,品质优良。该品种早结、丰产稳产,当年种植即可开花结果,4年生树产量在54 000 kg·hm−2以上。栽培上通过合理肥水管理、整形、产期调节、花果管理、病虫防治以及适时采收,确保产量和品质。


      Abstract: "Sijihong" Psidium guajava L. was cultivated by the optimal selection from the circling-branch breeding population of local "Sijicui" Psidium guajava L.. Its fruit was oval in shape, with a single fruit weight of 120−180 g and light-pink peel. The flesh was white, soft, tender and juicy. The content of total soluble solid was 9.8%, the total sugar content was 6.8 g·hg−1, the content of vitamin C was 129 mg·hg−1, and the titratable acid content was 3.37 g·kg−1. It had rich aroma, unique flavor and excellent quality. This variety had early fruiting, high yield and stable yield, and could flower and bear fruit when planted in the same year. The yield of the 4-year-old trees was more than 54000 kg·hm−2. In cultivation, the reasonable fertilizer and water management, shaping, regulation of production period, flower and fruit management, disease and pest control, and timely harvesting were used to ensure the yield and quality.


