
    Effects of Different Drying Methods on Non-enzymatic Browning and Quality of Gannan Navel Orange Slices

    • 摘要: 为研究不同干燥方式对赣南脐橙片非酶褐变的影响,采用热风干燥、热泵干燥、微波真空干燥、真空冷冻干燥4种方式处理脐橙片,将制得的成品在25℃下贮藏8个月,定期测定非酶褐变评价指标的变化情况。结果表明:干制脐橙片的褐变指数和5-羟甲基糠醛含量分别为:热风干燥(20.38和44.79 μg·g−1)>热泵干燥(17.67和32.41 μg·g−1)>微波真空干燥(12.53和12.72 μg·g−1)>真空冷冻干燥(5.79和6.21 μg·g−1),随着贮藏时间的延长,2个指标含量均呈现递增趋势;还原糖、L-抗坏血酸和总酚含量分别为:热风干燥(14.52 g·hg−1、24.85 mg·hg−1、6.87 mg·g−1)<热泵干燥(21.49 g·hg−1、43.28 mg·hg−1、9.56 mg·g−1)<微波真空干燥(29.54 g·hg−1、67.29 mg·hg−1、12.46 mg·g−1)<真空冷冻干燥(39.36 g·hg−1、82.18 mg·hg−1、15.60 mg·g−1),随着贮藏时间的延长,3个指标含量均呈现递减趋势。综上,微波真空干燥和真空冷冻干燥对脐橙片的非酶褐变具有较好的控制效果,其中真空冷冻干燥制备的产品品质最佳,相关营养成分的损耗最少。


      Abstract: In order to study the effects of different drying methods on non-enzymatic browning of navel orange slices in southern Jiangxi, four methods of hot air drying, heat pump drying, microwave vacuum drying and vacuum freeze drying were used to treat the navel orange slices. The prepared products were stored at 25℃ for 8 months, and the changes of non-enzymatic browning indexes were measured regularly. The results showed that the browning index and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural content of dried navel orange slices were as follows: hot air drying (20.38 and 44.79 μg·g−1)>heat pump drying (17.67 and 32.41 μg·g−1)>microwave vacuum drying (12.53 and 12.72 μg·g−1)>vacuum freeze drying (5.79 and 6.21 μg·g−1). With the extension of storage time, the contents of the two indexes showed an increasing trend. The contents of reducing sugar, L-ascorbic acid and total phenols were as follows: hot air drying (14.52 g·hg−1, 24.85 mg·hg−1, 6.87 mg·g−1) <heat pump drying (21.49 g·hg−1, 43.28 mg·hg−1, 9.56 mg·g−1)<microwave vacuum drying (29.54 g·hg−1, 67.29 mg·hg−1, 12.46 mg·g−1)<vacuum freeze drying (39.36 g·hg−1, 82.18 mg·hg−1, 15.60 mg·g−1). With the extension of storage time, the contents of the three indexes showed a decreasing trend. In summary, microwave vacuum drying and vacuum freeze drying had better control effect on the non-enzymatic browning of navel orange slices, among which the product prepared by vacuum freeze drying had the best quality and the least loss of related nutrients.


