
    Leaf Traits and Leaf Economics Spectrum of 10 Main Garden Shrubs in Xiamen

    • 摘要: 为探究厦门市园林灌木的叶功能性状及叶经济谱规律,筛选出适生性较佳的灌木树种。研究选用棕竹、海桐、灰莉、鹅掌藤、朱蕉、杜鹃、红背桂、红花檵木、金边假连翘、三角梅这10种厦门市常用园林植物作为研究对象,对其叶片功能性状:叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)、叶含水量(LWC)、丙二醛(MDA)、游离脯氨酸(PRO)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、叶碳含量(LCC)、叶氮含量(LNC)、碳氮比(C∶N)进行测定分析。结果表明:在相关性分析中,叶片LA与MDA、LA与PRO、SLA与LWC、SLA与PRO、LCC与C∶N呈显著正相关(P<0.05),叶片LA与LCC、SLA与LNC、CAT与LWC呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);叶片SLA与LDMC、CAT与MDA、CAT与LCC呈显著负相关(P<0.05),叶片LDMC与LWC、LDMC与CAT、C∶N与LNC、C∶N与SLA呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。冗余分析表明,产生显著影响的结构性状因子为LA、LWC、LDMC。主成分分析及隶属函数分析表明,10种植物的环境适应能力排序为朱蕉>金边假连翘>三角梅>灰莉>鹅掌藤>棕竹>红背桂>红花檵木>杜鹃>海桐。同种环境条件下不同灌木种的叶片功能性状对环境的响应机制不同,反映植物不同的生长适应策略。综合可知,叶片SLA大、LDMC低和LNC高的“快速投资-收益型”生长策略的朱蕉、金边假连翘和三角梅对厦门城市环境表现出较好的适应性,适合作为城市园林规划中的主要树种使用。


      Abstract: To explore the leaf functional traits and leaf economic spectrum patterns of garden shrubs in Xiamen City, and to select shrub species with better adaptability, the study chose 10 commonly used landscaping shrubs in Xiamen, including Rhapis excelsa, Pittosporum tobira, Fagraea ceilanica, Heptapleurum arboricola, Cordyline fruticosa, Rhododendron simsii, Excoecaria cochinchinensis, Loropetalum chinense, Duranta erecta, and Bougainvillea spp, as research subjects. The leaf functional traits such as leaf area(LA), specific leaf area(SLA), leaf dry matter content(LDMC), leaf water content(LWC), malondialdehyde(MDA), free proline(PRO), catalase(CAT), leaf carbon content(LCC), leaf nitrogen content(LNC), and carbon to nitrogen ratio(C∶N)were measured and analyzed. The results showed that in the correlation analysis, leaf LA was significantly positively correlated with MDA(P<0.05), as did LA with PRO, SLA with LWC, SLA with PRO, and LCC with C∶N. Leaf LA was extremely significantly positively correlated with LCC(P<0.01), as did SLA with LNC and CAT with LWC. Leaf SLA was significantly negatively correlated with LDMC(P<0.05), as did CAI with MDA and CAT with LCC. Leaf LDMC was extremely significantly negatively correlated with LWC, as did LDMC with CAT, C∶N with LNC, and C∶N with SLA(P<0.01). Redundancy analysis indicates that the structural traits factors that have a significant impact are LA, LWC, and LDMC. Principal component analysis and membership function analysis indicated that the environmental adaptability of the 10 plants could be ranked as Cordyline fruticosaDuranta erectaBougainvillea sppFagraea ceilanicaHeptapleurum arboricolaRhapis excelsaExcoecaria cochinchinensisLoropetalum chinenseRhododendron simsiiPittosporum tobira. Different shrub species have different leaf functional trait responses to the environment under the same conditions, reflecting different growth adaptation strategies of plants. It can be concluded that the "fast investment-return" growth strategy, characterized by a large SLA, low LDMC, and high LNC, such as Cordyline fruticosa, Duranta erecta, and Bougainvillea spp, show better adaptability to the urban environment of Xiamen and are suitable for use as the main tree species in urban garden planning.


