甘蔗ScmiR393在植物应答缺氮 胁迫中的功能研究

    Functional Study of Sugarcane ScmiR393 in Plant Response to Nitrogen Deficiency Stress

    • 摘要: 我国蔗区施氮量较高,甘蔗品种氮利用效率相对偏低。培育氮高效品种是提高甘蔗氮利用效率,减少施氮量的有效途径。挖掘甘蔗响应缺氮胁迫的关键miRNA,研究其生物学功能,是甘蔗氮高效分子育种的理论基础。课题组前期发现ScmiR393是甘蔗应答缺氮胁迫的重要调控因子,为进一步探究缺氮胁迫下甘蔗ScmiR393的生物学功能,将甘蔗ScmiR393转入水稻中,获得纯合转ScmiR393水稻株系,以野生型水稻为对照,研究缺氮胁迫前后转ScmiR393水稻的农艺性状、光合特性及氮代谢关键酶活性的变化。结果表明:缺氮胁迫10 d,与野生型水稻相比,转甘蔗ScmiR393水稻根的谷氨酸脱氢酶的活性显著降低,茎的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性显著降低,旗叶的叶绿素相对含量和最大光化学效率显著下降,光合作用受到抑制,植株分蘖数显著增加,根条数、根表面积和根体积的增加量均显著降低。综上,甘蔗ScmiR393可能具有降低植物氮同化的能力,能够减少旗叶光合作用效率,抑制植物的生长。研究转甘蔗ScmiR393水稻的耐缺氮机理,探究缺氮胁迫下甘蔗ScmiR393的生物学功能,为甘蔗氮高效育种提供理论依据和关键基因元件。


      Abstract: In China, nitrogen fertilizer is excessively used in sugarcane planting areas, and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)of sugarcane varieties is low. Breeding of high NUE varieties is an effective way to improve the NUE and reduce nitrogen fertilizer application. Mining key miRNAs in response to nitrogen deficiency stress and studies of their biological functions in sugarcane are the theoretical basis for the development of sugarcane varieties with high NUE. The research team found that ScmiR393 is an important regulatory factor in sugarcane response to nitrogen deficiency stress. To further investigate the biological functions of sugarcane ScmiR393 under nitrogen deficiency stress, the ScmiR393 gene was transferred into rice to obtain the homozygous ScmiR393-overexpressed transgenic rice. This study investigated the changes in the agronomic traits, photosynthetic characteristics, and the activities of nitrogen metabolism key enzymes in the ScmiR393-overexpressed transgenic rice under nitrogen-deficient conditions. The results revealed that under nitrogen deficiency stress, compared with wild-type rice, the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in the roots of transgenic rice were significantly decreased, the activity of glutamine synthetase in the stems were significantly decreased, and the chlorophyll relative content and maximum photochemical efficiency of the flag leaves were markedly reduced, leading to inhibit photosynthesis. While the number of tillers was significantly increased, the increase in plant root number, root surface area, and root volume was significantly decreased in transgenic rice. In summary, ectopic expression of sugarcane ScmiR393 has the potential to reduce the capacity of nitrogen assimilation, reduce the efficiency of photosynthesis in flag leaves, and inhibit plant growth. In the research, the mechanism of nitrogen deficiency tolerance in the ScmiR393-overexpressed transgenic rice was studied, and the biological function of ScmiR393 under nitrogen deficiency stress was explored, which provided the theoretical basis and key gene elements for nitrogen efficient breeding in sugarcane.


