木麻黄CRY1基因的克隆及 生物信息学分析

    Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of CRY1 Gene in Casuarina equisetifolia

    • 摘要: 隐花色素是影响植物生长的重要蓝光受体。为探究木麻黄隐花色素蛋白在光调控网络中的作用机制,从木麻黄基因组数据库中筛选鉴定出木麻黄的CRY1基因序列,命名为CeCRY1,通过PCR试验克隆出木麻黄CeCRY1基因的cDNA全长序列,利用农杆菌转化法在烟草细胞中瞬时表达CeCRY1蛋白,进行亚细胞定位分析,并对CeCRY1蛋白质进行生物信息学分析。结果表明:木麻黄CeCRY1基因cDNA全长序列为2 046 bp,其编码的CeCRY1蛋白包含681个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为76.60 kDa,等电点PI为5.64。亚细胞定位分析显示CeCRY1蛋白质定位于烟草细胞的细胞核和细胞质中。系统进化树分析显示CeCRY1蛋白与杨柳科的一些物种和桑科的川桑的CRY1蛋白亲缘关系较近。


      Abstract: In order to explore the mechanism of cryptochrome protein of Casuarina equisetifolia in the photoregulatory network, the CRY1 gene sequence of Casuarina equisetifolia was screened and identified from the Casuarina equisetifolia genome database and named CeCRY1, and the full-length cDNA sequence of CeCRY1 gene of Casuarina equisetifolia was cloned by PCR experiment, and the CeCRY1 protein was transiently expressed in tobacco cells by Agrobacterium transformation method for subcellular localization analysis, and bioinformatics analysis of CeCRY1 protein was performed. The results showed that the cDNA of CeCRY1 gene was 2046 bp, the number of amino acids encoded by CeCRY1 gene was 681, the molecular weight of the protein was 76.60 kDa, and the isoelectric point PI was 5.64. The subcellular localization analysis showed that CeCRY1 protein was localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm of tobacco cells. The phylogenetic tree analysis showed that CeCRY1 protein was closely related to CRY1 proteins in some species of Salix family and Morus notabilis of Moraceae family.


