
    Comparison tests on new spring peanut varieties

    • 摘要: 2013年引进12个春花生新品种(系)进行比较试验,以泉花7号为对照,从产量、农艺性状、经济性状进行分析。试验结果表明:0910-63和龙花128的荚果与籽仁产量比对照品种泉花7号增产达显著或极显著水平,且综合性状表现较优,适合当地推广种植。


      Abstract: A comparison tests on the yield, agronomic and economic traits of 12 new introduced spring peanut varieties were carried out in 2013 with “Quanhua7” as the control. The results showed that the pod and seed kernel yields of “0910-63” and “Longhua128” increased significantly compared with the control, and they performed good comprehensive traits and were suitable for popularization in local area.


