High yield cultivation techniques of “Hua 2 you 3301” as semi-late rice in cold waterlogged fields
摘要: 花2优3301属于中籼型三系杂交稻新组合,表现产量高、适应性好、生育期适中、米质优、适口性好等特点。在冷、烂、锈等中低产田栽培,通过培肥地力、配套措施、预防倒伏等技术措施,可获得高产。Abstract: “Hua 2 you 3301” was a three-line hybrid rice combination of moderate indica type, showing good characteristics of high yield, good adaptability, moderate growth period, high quality and good palatability. Some measures should be taken for high yield i.e. to improve the soil fertility, to complete corresponding measures and prevent lodging in cold, waterlogged and rusting fields with middle and low yield.