
    Yield control, high quality and high efficiency cultivation techniques for summer black grape

    • 摘要: 夏黑葡萄在福建省葡萄主产区福安市引种栽培, 通过实施双十字“水槽”型的整形修剪、小拱棚避雨栽培、控产提质的花果管理、科学肥水管理和病虫防控等配套栽培技术,种植第2年每667 m2产量536.5 kg,第3年产量1332 kg,利润上万元,经济效益十分显著。


      Abstract: Summer black grape has been introduced and cultivated in Fu’an, the main grape planting area of Fujian. By using the cultivation technologies, such as the double cross shape training and pruning, arched shed rain shelter cultivation, the yield-controlling and quality-improving management of flower and fruit, scientific fertilizer and water management and pests and diseases control, the yield of summer black grape reached 536.5 kg per 667 m2 in the second year, and 1332 kg per 667 m2 in the third year, the profit reached ten thousand RMB Yuan with significant benefit.


