
    Occurrence characteristics and comprehensive control measures for rice stem borer in Pucheng County

    • 摘要: 二化螟是浦城县水稻主要害虫之一,近年呈加重危害趋势。该文利用1980~2013年水稻螟虫资料,结合田间调查,总结水稻二化螟在浦城县的发生规律及为害特点,并提出综合防控对策。


      Abstract: Chilo suppressalis is one of the main pests for rice in Pucheng County, and the damage is increasing year by year. In this study, occurrence regularity and damage characteristics of rice Chilo suppressalis were summarized, and the comprehensive control measures were proposed based on the data from 1980 to 2013 and combined with the field survey.


