Based on themeteorologicaldata of sunshine,temperature,precipitation,annual frost-free period in Taining from 1961 to 2010, the changed characters and clmiate trends of common agriculture meteorological disaster, such as the light resources, the thermal resources, themoisture condition were analyzed by climate statistical method. The results showed that the sunshine Was two high, middle low in the vegetal period of crops in Taining, but the illumination conditions could meet the growth requirements of thermophilic crops; The thermal condition increasing trend, The late 1990s, the temperature obviously elevated, the first frost postponed, the last frost advanced, frost-free period prolonged, the active accumulated temperature increased; Themoisture condition was fluctuation and bimodal type, In 1980s, the precipitation values reached the lowest, the dry and cold tendency was obviously; cold and humid periods in1970s; The late 1990s, mostly warm and humid; Agriculture meteorological disasters, such as cold damage the reduced tendency, but the flooding, hailhad and droughtdisaster tended to be fre-quentand serious.