
    The key technology of edible fungus-rice multiple cropping pattern

    • 摘要: 水稻、黑木耳复种模式与闽北传统耕作模式相比有利于改善土壤结构、降低病虫危害,生产成本下降10%,水稻产量提高5%,每667 m2产值达44832元、纯收入19897元,是常规耕作模式的30倍,值得推广应用。


      Abstract: Comparing with the traditional cropping system, Rice-black fungus multiple cropping pattern was favorable to improve soil structure, reduce diseases and insect pests, decrease production costs by 10%, increased the rice yield by 5%, the output value per 667 m2 reached 44832 RMB Yuan, the net income was 19897 RMB Yuan, which was 30 times as that of conventional cropping mode, and is worthy to be popularized.


