
    Cultivation techniques of Photinia fraseri and its application in gardens

    • 摘要: 红叶石楠是蔷薇科石楠属常绿小乔木,喜光,萌芽性强,易于培植,生长速度快,耐修剪,耐寒,耐荫,耐土壤瘠薄,有一定的耐盐碱和抗旱能力,并对部分有毒气体有较强抗性,具有很强的适应性。红叶石楠新梢和新叶萌发呈鲜艳的红色,红叶鲜艳持久,具有很强的观赏效果。介绍了红叶石楠的生物学特性、培植技术、园林绿化应用及前景展望。


      Abstract: Photinia fraseri is an evergreen and small tree plant, belonging to Photinia (Rosaceae), it has some special characteristics of light favored, strong budding capacity, being easily cultivated, quick growth speed, bearing damage of prunning, cold and shade tolerance, tolerance of poor fertility, a certain capacity of resistance to saline-alkali and drought, strong resistant capacity to some kinds of poisonous gases, showed high adaptability. Moreover, the shoots and tender leaves of Photinia fraseri maintain bright red for a long time, and possess a good effect of view. This paper introduced biological characteristics, cultivation techniques of Photinia fraseri, its application and prospects in gardens.


