
    Fertilization experiment of high-yielding bitter bamboo forest

    • 摘要: 对苦竹丰产林进行施肥试验, 结果表明:施肥可以提高苦竹林的产笋量、产材量和现存竹材产量, 但不同施肥处理对苦竹林生长和产量影响程度不同, 氮肥对苦竹产量的影响最大, 其次是磷肥, 钾肥影响较小;发育于花岗斑岩的红壤可以不施或少施钾肥。


      Abstract: A fertilization experiment of high-yielding bitter bamboo forest was carried out. The results showed that fertilizer application could increase the bamboo shoot output, the timber production and the exiting bamboo wood production, but different fertilizing treatments had various effects on the growth and yield of bitter bamboo forest; and nitrogen had the biggest influence on the yield of bitter bamboo, phosphorus had the secondary and potassium had the less effect. In addition, in farming practice, the potassium fertilization could be deleted or with small dosage in the red soil developed from granite-porphyry.


