
    Preliminary report on applying calcium fertilizer on Chinese cabbage

    • 摘要: 在大白菜上施用钙肥试验, 结果表明:施用钙肥大白菜经济产量增幅为2.55%~9.33%;当每667 m2钙肥施用量为145.5 kg时, 大白菜经济产量最高, 为4710.8 kg;当钙肥每667 m2施用量为139.2 kg时, 大白菜经济效益最佳, 达5610.24元;大白菜施用钙肥干烧心病株率降幅达8.56%~71.42%。


      Abstract: A calcium fertilizer-applying test on Chinese cabbage were carried out. The results showed that applying calcium could increase the yield of Chinese cabbage by 2.55%-9.33% and decrease the morbidity of tipburn by 8.56%-71.42%. The highest economic yield and the best economic benifit were 4710.8 kg/667 m2 (70662 kg/hm2) and 5610.24 yuan/667 m2 (84153.6 yuan/hm2) while the calcium fertilizer application were 145.5 kg/667 m2 (2182.5 kg/hm2) and 139.2 kg/667 m2 (2088 kg/hm2) respectively.


