Prevention and control for invasive quarantine pest-Solenopsis invicta
摘要: 红火蚁是世界上最危险和最具危害性的100种入侵有害生物之一, 是一种对农业生产、农业生态和人身健康有重大影响的害虫。龙岩市新罗区于2005年发现入侵检疫性有害生物——红火蚁后, 随即开展了疫情调查和防除工作。该文介绍了红火蚁在龙岩市新罗区的发生危害情况, 对当地开展的疫情普查及防控工作进行总结。Abstract: Solenopsis invicta, as one of the one hundred kinds of the most dangerous and harmful organisms in the world, does harm to the agricultural production and ecosystem, and the health of human. In 2005, Solenopsis invicta was found in Xinluo District of Longyan, and the epidemical investigation and control measures were conducted immediately. In this study, the status of harm degrees, epidemical survey and controlling situation for Solenopsis invicta in Xinluo were summarized.