
    Planting performance and high yield cultivation techniques of high quality rice “Liangyou 616”used as middle-season rice variety

    • 摘要: 两优616在福建省建瓯市小松镇作中稻种植, 表现穗大粒多、结实率高、高产稳产、生育期适中、适应性广、米质优、抗瘟性较强等特点。高产栽培主要把握秧田准备、培育壮秧、合理密植、科学施肥、加强水管、病虫防治等技术环节。


      Abstract: “Liangyou 616” was cultivated as middle-season rice variety at Xiaosong Town, Jian’ou City, Fujian Province. The results showed that “Liangyou 616” had good characteristics of big spike, more grains, high grain setting percentage, high and stable yield, moderate growth period, good adaptation, high quality and high resistance to rice blast. Some technical rinks could be important including field preparation, cultivating strong seedlings, rational planting density, scientific fertilization, strengthening water management and control of disease and pests.


