
    Planting performance and high-yielding cultivation techniques of new hybrid rice combination“Taifengyou 2098” used as post-tobacco rice variety

    • 摘要: 2012年、2013年杂交稻新组合“泰丰优2098”在邵武市作烟后稻试种, 两年试种结果表明:泰丰优2098在邵武市作烟后稻栽培具有较好的适应性、产量潜力和推广应用前景。根据该组合的主要特征特性和当地气候条件, 总结提出其高产栽培技术。


      Abstract: A new hybrid rice combination “Taifengyou 2098” as post-tobacco rice variety was cultivated experimentally in 2012 and 2013. The results in two-year trials showed that, “Taifengyou 2098” as post-tobacco rice variety cultivar had good adaptation, yield potential and extension prospects. In our paper, high-yielding cultivation techniques of new hybrid rice combination “Taifengyou 2098” as post-tobacco rice variety were summarized based on its main characteristics and local climatic conditions.


