
    Occurrence regularity and control measures for Rhynchocoris humeralis

    • 摘要: 棱蝽是江西省九江地区柑橘产区常发性害虫, 1年发生1代, 成虫、若虫刺吸果实和嫩梢的汁液。该文描述了棱蝽的形态特征, 系统研究了该虫的生物学特性和发生危害规律, 根据其生活习性提出了综合防治措施。


      Abstract: Rhynchocoris humeralis is a popular pest in Citrus reticulata Blanco in Jiujiang of Jiangxi Province, which could occur one generation a year, and the adult and nymph of Rhynchocoris humeralis usually suck the juice from fruits and tender shoots. The morphological character was described, biological characteristics and occurrence regularity of Rhynchocoris humeralis were systematically investigated, and the comprehensive control countermeasures were put forward based on its living habits.


