Cultivation techniques for plum variety “Qiuji” in mountainous area
摘要: 福建省清流县2003年引进秋姬李进行栽培, 表现丰产、稳产、质优等特点, 生长结果良好, 是晚熟李的优良品种。介绍了秋姬李的特征特性及其栽培技术。Abstract: Plum variety “Qiuji” was introduced to Qingliu County of Fujian Province in 2003, and performed the characters of high and stable yield, and high quality. The production performance of plum “Qiuji” in growing and fruiting stages was good; this variety was proved to be an excellent late-maturing one in Qingliu County. In addition, the characteristics and cultivating technologies for plum “Qiuji” were introduced in this study.