
    Characteristics and high-yielding cultivation techniques for sweet potato variety “Tianfengshu No.1”

    • 摘要: 天峰薯1号在福清市进行多年多点试验示范, 表现优质高产、适应性广、抗逆性强, 易栽培等优点。从选好种薯, 培育壮苗;选地整畦, 开好三沟;适期早插, 合理密植;科学施肥, 优化配方;加强田管, 防治病虫;适时收获等方面内容总结其高产栽培技术。


      Abstract: Sweet potato variety “Tianfengshu No.1” was tested and demonstrated in multi-sites of Fuqing for many years, and performed to be high yield and quality, wide adaptability, strong adverse-resistance and easy to be planted. cultivation techniques for the high yield and high quality of “Tianfengshu No.1” were summarized, which included the seed-tuber selection and seedling nursing; field selection and soil preparation; construction of draining ditches; planting early in optimum time with reasonable density; scientific fertilization; strengthening field management; pests and disease control; harvest at the suitable time, and so on.


