
    Characteristics and cultivation techniques of “Tianyou 3301”

    • 摘要: 2008年清流县引进杂交水稻新组合天优3301,经过2年作单晚和烟后稻示范种植,总体表现适应性、丰产性好,成熟期比Ⅱ优838早,抗病性、耐肥能力较强。栽培上要注意适时播种,培育壮秧,合理密植,插足基本苗,科学肥水管理和病虫害防治。


      Abstract: A new hybrid rice combination “Tianyou 3301” was introduced in Qingliu County in 2008. Via through a 2-year demonstrative cultivation as single cropping late rice or post-tobacco late rice, the overall planting performance was: wide adaptability, high yield, earlier maturing than “IIyou 838”, strong disease resistance, high tolerance to fertilizer. It should pay attention in the cultivation of timely planting, cultivating strong seedlings, rational plant density, sufficient basic seedlings, scientific fertilizer and water management and pest control.


