Planting performance and high-yielding cultural techniques of sweet potato cultivar “Fushu 9”
摘要: 甘薯新品种福薯9号在安溪县西坪镇试种,表现出丰产稳产、优质、抗病性强、适应性广、耐贮性好等优点。栽培上要选好地块、适时扦插、科学施肥、加强田管、综合防治病虫害、适期收获。Abstract: “Fushu9” was planted experimentally in Xiping Town of Anxi County and it showed the advantages of high and stable yield, high quality, strong disease resistance, extensive adaptability and good storability. In this paper, some high yielding cultivation techniques were put forward: choosing good block, timely transplanting of cuttings, scientific fertilization, strengthening field management, comprehensively controlling pest and diseases, timely harvesting, and so on.