
    Biological characteristics and high yield cultivation techniques of Hedychium gardnerianum

    • 摘要: 金姜在福建省三明市12个县(市、区)均有种植,在大田县、尤溪县、沙县、永安市等地多年多点推广种植,表现突出,已代替当地农家品种。该品种具有适应性广、高产、质优、抗性强、效益好等特点,一般每667 m2产量可达2000 kg以上,每667 m2产值可达10000元以上。该文总结了金姜的生物学特性及其高产栽培技术。


      Abstract: Hedychium gardnerianum was extended and planted in multi-sides in Datian County, Youxi County, Sha County and Yong’an City for several years, and showed outstanding planting performance, which possesses nice traits of good adaptability, high yield, good quality, strong resistance and good economic benefit. Its yield reached over 2000 kg per 667 m2 (30000 kg/hm2)and its productive value reached over 10000 RMB Yuan. This paper summarized biological characteristics and high yield cultivation techniques of Hedychium gardnerianum.


