谢文林. 甘薯新品种金薯2号试种表现及其高产栽培技术[J]. 福建农业科技, 2016, 47(1): 36-37. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2016.01.012
    引用本文: 谢文林. 甘薯新品种金薯2号试种表现及其高产栽培技术[J]. 福建农业科技, 2016, 47(1): 36-37. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2016.01.012
    XIE Wen-lin. Planting performance and high-yielding cultivation techniques of new sweet potato variety “Jinshu No.2”[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2016, 47(1): 36-37. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2016.01.012
    Citation: XIE Wen-lin. Planting performance and high-yielding cultivation techniques of new sweet potato variety “Jinshu No.2”[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2016, 47(1): 36-37. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2016.01.012


    Planting performance and high-yielding cultivation techniques of new sweet potato variety “Jinshu No.2”

    • 摘要: 引进金薯2号在安溪县金谷镇示范种植,表现产量高、品质优、出粉率高、商品性好,具有较好的推广前景;并总结其高产栽培技术。


      Abstract: A new sweet potato variety "Jinshu No.2" were Introduced and planted by trial in Jingu Town of Anxi County, and showed the characters of high yield, good quality, high starch rate and good commodity, and had a good popularization prospects. In this paper, its high-yield cultivation techniques were summarized also.


