郭建晖. 几个优质葡萄品种在福安市的引种表现[J]. 福建农业科技, 2017, 48(2): 8-10. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2017.02.004
    引用本文: 郭建晖. 几个优质葡萄品种在福安市的引种表现[J]. 福建农业科技, 2017, 48(2): 8-10. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2017.02.004
    GUO Jian-hui. Introduction performance of several high quality grape varieties in Fu’an[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2017, 48(2): 8-10. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2017.02.004
    Citation: GUO Jian-hui. Introduction performance of several high quality grape varieties in Fu’an[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2017, 48(2): 8-10. DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2017.02.004


    Introduction performance of several high quality grape varieties in Fu’an

    • 摘要: 为改变福建省福安市葡萄产业的品种结构,引进15个早、中、晚熟葡萄鲜食和加工品种进行栽培试验,结果表明:早熟品种夏黑,中熟品种巨玫瑰、黑色甜菜,晚熟品种摩尔多瓦,以及加工品种桂葡一号、刺葡萄共6个品种具有一定的推广价值。


      Abstract: To change the industry structure of grape in Fu’an,15 early,medium-and late-maturing grape varieties were introduced and experimentally cultivated,including fresh-eating and processing ones.The results showed that early-maturing‘Xiahei’,medium-maturing‘Jumeigui’ and‘Heisetiancai’,late-maturing‘Moerduowa’,and processing variety‘Guipu No.1’ and‘Ciputao’ possessed certain value to be popularized.


