林家波. 杂交晚稻新品种生产试验[J]. 福建农业科技, 2014, 45(3): 3-5.
    引用本文: 林家波. 杂交晚稻新品种生产试验[J]. 福建农业科技, 2014, 45(3): 3-5.
    LIN Jia-bo. A productive test of new late hybrid rice varieties[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2014, 45(3): 3-5.
    Citation: LIN Jia-bo. A productive test of new late hybrid rice varieties[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2014, 45(3): 3-5.


    A productive test of new late hybrid rice varieties

    • 摘要: 引进4个晚稻新品种进行生产试验, 结果表明:福龙两优29、天优1261两个新品种综合表现佳, 生育期适中, 产量分别比宜优673(CK)增产5.05%和4.36%。


      Abstract: In our paper, a productive test of 4 introduced late rice varieties was carried out. The results showed that “Fulongliangyou 29” and “Tianyou 1261” showed good comprehensive characteristics and moderate growth period. Moreover, their yields were higher than “Yiyou 673” (CK) by 5.05% and 4.36%, respectively.


