罗奕聘. 早稻—西瓜—莴苣三熟制高产高效栽培技术[J]. 福建农业科技, 2014, 45(3): 38-40.
    引用本文: 罗奕聘. 早稻—西瓜—莴苣三熟制高产高效栽培技术[J]. 福建农业科技, 2014, 45(3): 38-40.
    LUO Yi-pin. High-yielding and high efficient cultivation techniques of triple croppingfor early rice-watermelon-lettuce[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2014, 45(3): 38-40.
    Citation: LUO Yi-pin. High-yielding and high efficient cultivation techniques of triple croppingfor early rice-watermelon-lettuce[J]. Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2014, 45(3): 38-40.


    High-yielding and high efficient cultivation techniques of triple croppingfor early rice-watermelon-lettuce

    • 摘要: 通过水旱轮作、优选品种、合理安排茬口、采用高产栽培技术, 总结了一套适合永安市燕北街道实际情况与气候条件的早稻(超级稻)—西瓜—莴苣一年三熟粮经高效栽培模式。


      Abstract: Through the rotation of wetland and upland, selection of improved varieties, reasonable arrangement for planted crops, the high efficient cultivation techniques of three crops a year for early rice, watermelon and lettuce, which are suitable for the actual situation and climatic condition in Yanbei Sub-district, Yong’an City were summarized.


